Shannon Nicole
Founder of The Enneagram Experience™
Shannon reconnects the wisdom of the Enneagram, embodied in the nine-pointed mandala and understood in Yogic & Ayurvedic Philosophy as well as global esoteric traditions, with Western psychological applications. The combination of this knowledge, both ancient & modern, creates a beautiful pathway for transformative change work, self-discovery, collective understanding and community healing.
In the West, the Enneagram has been popularized as a mere personality assessment. Shannon Nicole's passion project has been to reconnect the Enneagram back to its Eastern roots and honor the global esoteric traditions it embodies. Integrating this universal wisdom allows the Enneagram to become an important tool for transformative change work.
Combining her intuitive abilities and eclectic knowledge of the Energetic Enneagram with contemplative practices, mystic wisdom, embodied spirituality and personal development tools, Shannon Nicole provides soulful insight to individuals and couples. Thru guided meditation and intuitive insight Shannon Nicole leads you on a journey to your inner realm, reconnecting the mind and heart to the messages of the energetic body. This is the starting place for soulful transformation
Ennea Readings
©Ennea Readings take you beyond personality typing to transformation. The Enneagram is utilized as a living mandala and dynamic map of the subconscious. ©Ennea Readings are “X-rays for the soul” that reveal the kind of healing work you need to do to reconnect to your essence. Shannon Nicole views the Enneagram like a toolbox. If she doesn't have the tool you need she has a network of therapists and healers that do. She frequently refers clients to continue the work of healing after their session.
The Enneagram is a map of the subconscious. Your body is the doorway to this inner realm. The chakras are the keys to the door. Your experience is the guide. During an ©Ennea Reading, we draw upon the wisdom of the Esoteric Enneagram and Energetic Body of the Chakras to embark on a journey of the psyche, discerning areas for holistic growth, integration and evolution.
Through guided meditation and embodied practices we will begin to reconnect to the fragmented parts of self. By identifying the ego's energetic patterns, core archetypes, obstacles, and areas for recovering wholeness, one is able to return to their truest essence thru attuning to the messages of the body.
Ennea Yoga
The Energetic Enneagram serves as a beautiful diagram of the of teachings of Yoga, the union of body, mind & spirit, and provides a tangible way of applying the practice of the fourth Niyama, svadhyaya (meaning one’s own reading), from Patanjali’s 8 Limb Path of Yoga.
Ennea Yoga Experience for Teachers
The Energetic Enneagram allows yoga teachers to clearly identify their areas for growth and offers practical tools for self-study (svadhyaya). he interactive Enneagram Mandala Experience embodies and honors the Eastern roots of the Enneagram as a living model of the many aspects of Yogic Philosophy and Ayurveda concepts discussed during Yoga Teacher Trainings. The ©Ennea Yoga Experience can enrich any yoga teacher training program or retreat. Available in California, nationwide, internationally or online.